How I Became An Artist


Introduction to Art

My earliest memories of making art was from age 5, colouring and drawing for hours with my friend. A box of 64 Crayolas was my prized possession and to this day their waxy smell still takes me back in time.

My Interest In Art

Over the years I was given pastels, pencil crayons, markers and sketchbooks but the most enjoyable and exciting art was in school. There I got to hand sculpt and glaze clay, do batik and make a weaving, among many other art activities. Needless to say art was my favourite subject in school and I’d hoped to pursue fine arts in university, instead however I found myself on a very different path.

Launching My Art Career

Fast forward to retirement and after settling into a new community in Ladysmith, on Canada’s West Coast, I signed up for a painting class. From the moment I held a paint brush loaded with paint and swept it across thick paper, I knew I was onto something very exciting! Since then I’ve immersed myself in abstract painting dedicating time and energy to learn, explore and experiment. I’ve built a studio, participated and shown my work in numerous juried shows and have had my own solo show, with another one scheduled this year.

Learning About Myself Through Art

Every day I learn more about both my art and myself which helps me create authentic, meaningful and exciting abstract expressionist art.

Hey! I have a painting in the current show What Makes You Happy at the Ladysmith Gallery, check it out! Click here for details.